Saturday 12 January 2019

                                                        EKITI  STATE  UNIVERSITY
                                                    Directorate of Sandwich Programme.
                                                                        Affiliation with
                                                       UPLAND COLLEGE OF EDUCATION
                                                     P.M.B 001, IFIRA AKOKO, ONDO STATE
Application are hereby invited from suitably qualified candidates for the 2018/2019 Sandwich Degree Programme. The programme will run for four ( 4 ) or five ( 5 ) contact year respectively.

B.Sc(Ed) Mathematics
B.Sc(Ed) Physics
B.Sc(Ed) Biology
B.Sc( Ed) Basic Science
B.Sc(Ed) Computer Science
B.Sc(Ed) Political Science
B.Sc(Ed) Economics
B.Sc(Ed) Agricultural Science
B.Sc(Ed) Geography
B.Sc(Ed) Educational Management
B.Sc(Ed) Adult Education
B.Sc(Ed) English Language
B.Sc(Ed) Guidance and counseling
B.Sc(Ed) Business Education and Accounting
B.Sc(Ed) Social Studies
B.Sc(Ed) History and International
B.Sc(Ed) Christian Religious Knowledge
B.Sc(Ed) Islamic Religious Knowledge
B.Sc(Ed) Health Education

Application can be obtained online with e-payment of N7,500. Log on to  or through the College Admission Office after payment of N7,500 to any of the College bank accounts. ACCOUNT NAME: Upland Educational and Management Development. BANKS : First Bank 2024168942.  Keystone Bank 1005897295. Orioke Micro Financial Bank 040200183.

ENTRY REQUIREMENTS: Five OLevel  Credit pass in WAEC/NECO/ NABTEB / TC II etc. For Direct Entry (200L) NCE / ND/ University Diploma/ A Level or Equivalent.

Complete application form with copies of credentials should be returned to the College Admission Office.

OR others on the following numbers
Accommodation are available at the nearby towns especially IFIRA/IPESI or ISUA/SOSAN AKOKO, ONDO STATE.
A trial will convince you !!! Hurry up to purchase your form Now. Few space available !!!!!

Thursday 10 January 2019


No matter what your new year resolution is,the type of people in your life has a lot to do in your journey of life. Never start a new year without screening the people in your life. Evaluating them will let you know who to upgrade, downgrade, or totally terminate.

Always remember that, not everybody deserves the special guest star to participate in the movie of your life. Anyone who is not adding any value to your life shouldn't be in the front line of your life. The dream of a sadist is for every body to be miserable in life.

Those who cannot see greatness in their own life will never see anything good in your own life.
Whoever sees or treats you as an option doesn't deserve to be a priority in your life.
Never put temporary people in the permanent place of your life, and don't be afraid of removing the wrong people from the right place of your life. If its your life then its your right. Be bold to take any decision concerning your life. If they call it pride, tell them its class.

No matter the economy of the jungle, lions will never eat grass. Even if education is free, a rat will never go to the same school with a cat.
You can never go anywhere with negative people. Negative people are like cars without gas and engines. You can only sit in them, but they will never take you anywhere.
Always remember this: Never ever embark on a life journey with someone who is not going anywhere in life, or willing to add value to your life.

Just think about it

Wednesday 9 January 2019


Complement of the season. The holiday is finally over and it’s a great time to sit back and take a moment to set some good financial goals that would help you achieve your overall goal for the year. Before you go into setting your financial goals, you would want to state out other large and small goals, as they would serve as a guide to setting your overall financial goal.

Now let’s get started on setting the financial goals.

First you would need to;

Budget and allocate

Building up a budget cannot be over emphasized. It is the starting point of any financial plan. As stated earlier, state out what it would cost to achieve your small and large goals. While building a budget on how much your goals would cost, ensure you allocate a certain percentage of your monthly income to each goals after excluding your daily expenditure. Budgeting would help you manage your money, limit impulsive splurges and excesses, and help you achieve your overall goal.

Tag it and Save it

Now that you have your goals stated out, it’s time you became intentional about it. Rather than saving all your money in one place, tag it and start a target savings plan. Financial institutions have been able to make saving easier and more rewarding such that, you can have up to 10 savings plan on the same account. For instance, you could tag a savings plan travel and another, new car and another, house rent. This way it’s easier for you to view the possibilities of achieving each goal and also reduce the temptation of spending from your target savings since you might not be able to touch it until when you need it. Another advantage of target savings is that you get a reasonable interest for saving.

Start Investing

If investing was not your thing in 2018, it should be your financial goal this year. About a decade ago, investing was quite over whelming with so many risks and uncertainties involved. Now, investing is a lot easier, simpler and safer such that you don’t need a professional investment banker to take absolute control over your investment. With financial institution in Nigeria, you can now start an investment plan in the comfort of your home, track your progress and earn more money.

Make room for Miscellaneous

Depending on how broad or narrow your savings plans are, you can and should have some room to save for miscellaneous that can be used as an emergency fund when the time arises. You don’t want to break your target savings for rent for instance to repair your car. In this case, no amount is too small to save, but ensure you allocate a specific amount daily, weekly or monthly for this purpose.

Educate yourself

You want to achieve more with your money, learn from successful people who have mastered the art of making their money work for them. Learn more about different types of investments plans, learn more about

Finally, while all these goals would help you achieve your smaller and bigger goals, you need to stay disciplined to your savings and investment plans to be able to achieve your goals.

Just think about it.


Ways To Promote Your Business Online

It is no longer news that promoting your business on the internet is one of the best and fastest ways of acquiring more customers consistently.

With over 3.4 billion people having access to the internet, it has become the biggest marketing channel in the world.

No serious business in this 21st century can decide to ignore the internet. If you are not using it to your advantage, your competitors will definitely use it to dominate you.

The challenge most businesses has is that they don’t know what channels they should market with or how to go about it totally.

Here are the top 5 digital marketing channels I recommend:

1. Social Media Marketing: - The amount of people using social media is extraordinary. Facebook alone has over 2 billion users. That is huge. If you want to attract more customers consistently, you need to start using Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube to reach out to your ideal prospects and close more business deals.

2. Search Engine Optimization: - When those interested in your products and services Google what you sell, can they find your business on the first page of Google? If no, you need to implement SEO for your business immediately in order to start getting targeted prospects who are interested in your products and services.

3. Email Marketing: - One of the best channels to generate consistent sales online is email marketing. If you are marketing online and not utilizing email marketing, you are missing a great opportunity to generate consistent and repeat sales. You can use to start executing email marketing campaign for free.

4. Google Advertising: - Advertising through Google is also a good channel to promote your brand online. You can decide to use Google Adwords to advertise on Google search engine and other online websites through display advertising.

5. Mobile Marketing: - Over 4.9 billion people have access to a mobile device globally. The potential of marketing through mobile is huge. One of the most popular means of marketing on mobile is bulk SMS. Don’t neglect mobile marketing if you want digital marketing to work for you.

In this age and time, marketing online is no longer optional but mandatory. One of the biggest mistake any business will make is to neglect digital marketing.

The potential of Digital Marketing is huge and it has helped small and medium businesses to attract consistent customers and increase sales.

Just think about it.

Tuesday 8 January 2019

Wednesday. 9th January 2019.

The Bible says: "He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will supply and multiply your resources and increase the harvest of your righteousness" (2nd Cor. 9:10).
I pray for you this morning, that your resources shall be greatly multiplied and your harvest shall be made bountiful this year in Jesus' Mighty Name. Good morning. Shalom!